Review Request Guidelines UPDATED

We are now open for reviews for 2012.

If you are interested in having The One Hundred Romances Project read and provide an honest review of your work, please read and follow these guidelines:

  1. Make sure you go to Manic Readers and submit your book for review.  It is free to do so and easy to use.  Just add One Hundred Romances to your approved reviewers.
  2. Our focus is small-press and self-published eRomances released no earlier than January 1, 2012. We are happy to accept review requests from publishers as well as authors.
  3. Your story should be a romance! Any pairing(m/f, m/m, f/f,etc.), or any sub-genre(erotica, historical, contemporary, etc.), but the core of the story must be a romance with a happily ever after of some variety.
  4. No rape-for-titillation. No depraved acts. No bestiality, incest, or ANYTHING illegal or flat-out gross.
  5. Please ensure your work is highly edited and suits the theme of The One Hundred Romances Project.
  6. We accept reviews throughout Manic Readers only.  
  7. We reserve the right to refuse to continue to read/review a story, at any time, if we feel it does not fit our guidelines.

Where to send your requests: Manic Readers

Please use the email subject header of Review Request: (Book Title)

If you send us  a submission please send the following but know we are converting over to Manic Readers.

Include the following information. Feel free to copy and paste the fields below into the body of your email.

  • Book Title
  • Your name/author name
  • Your Publisher (if applicable)
  • Publication date
  • Word count
  • Romance sub-genre(s)
  • Format you will submit in if your request for review is approved.
  • A short blurb detailing your story.

Review Requests may be addressed to Babs.

We will reply, in some form, as soon as possible. We cannot guarantee the ability to post a review before its publication date. If you submit a request and you receive no response at all, we did not receive the request. Please resubmit, or feel free to ask if we received your message. Due to our limited staff, expect it to take several weeks for a review to be posted.

Unless otherwise noted, all books reviewed here at The One Hundred Romances Project are provided by the publisher or author in exchange for an honest review. Under no circumstances will we ever accept financial compensation or gifts of any sort in exchange for a positive review.

Feel free to quote our reviews on your websites or blogs. We only request that you include a link back to The One Hundred Romances blog, if you do.

Any other questions? Contact us at the review request email, or post a comment below.

Our rating system is as follows:

Note: Reviewers are instructed that unauthorized dissemination of copyrighted works is strictly forbidden. Once a novel has been read and reviewed, reviewers are also instructed to delete the review copy from their files.