Joey is a reading junkie, and a romance writer. When not sweating out plot points on her second novel, she can be found with her nose buried in a book, or firmly pressed to her iPod Touch screen as she devours the latest eBook she has acquired. Her favorite books of all time include The Stand by Stephen King, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier, and 1984 by George Orwell. When it comes to romances, she adores a good contemporary, though she's always willing to give anything a try. Her latest interests are romances set in the South. Recent favorite romance reads are Souvenir by Therese Fowler, Two Years, No Rain by Shawn Klomparens and she is a newly-born Sarah Addison Allen addict.
Her debut contemporary romance, Drew In Blue, is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, All Romance, and OmniLit. For details on Drew In Blue and J.M. Kelley, please visit
Aside from the obvious love of reading, Laura is also a fan of beaches, Irish bars, coffee, road trips, good music, cheap wine, grilled cheese with bacon, summer thunderstorms, old jazz on vinyl, baseball, and singing loudly (and most likely off-key) in the car. She is a ridiculous sports fan, and still pulls for her hometown teams, even though she rarely gets to see them play since she now lives 700 miles away. Not that traveling is ever a problem. Laura has been known to pack up the car on a whim, drive several hours to see her favorite musicians in concert, to see her family, or to see her friends, stay for a day, and then turn around and drive home. She would probably be happiest living in an old van and traveling the country, but until she becomes independently wealthy, marries rich, or finds a way to pay her student loans without having a real job, she'll stay where she is, and toil away at her 9 - 5.
My name is Barbara but please call me Babs, all my friends do :)
I am a 41 SAHM. I have 3 boys, 15 months, 7 and 13 years old. I am an avid reader. My motto: There is no such thing as too many books to read. I also enjoy writing, baking, cooking, some crafts and gardening. I am opened minded when it comes to books. I pretty much read almost anything. I love mysteries as my first favorite, then it ventures out.
Brandi is a SAH mom for three of the coolest kids ever! Her six year old son is better at Angry Birds then she is. She's an avid reader, boasting over 200 books read last year alone! Show her a book about vampires or shifters and she's all over it! But historicals are where her heart is; add anything paranormal and she's in heaven . Her favorite authors are Lisa Kleypas, Kate Pearce, Lydia Dare, Larissa Ione, Maya Banks, Lara Adrian and Melissa Schroeder. When she's not got her nose in a book, her laptop, or eReader and is lucky enough to wrangle her iTouch away from her son, she's listening to music and writing short stories or poems.
My name is Deniz Bevan and I've recently returned to Romance after a foray into Young Adult and Middle Grade novels. My favourite books are usually in Historical Romance, but I'm open to any story that features strong characters, well researched story elements, and even a bit of humour! I'm currently editing my latest romance, Out of the Water, set in Spain and Turkey in 1492. My non-fiction work, including both travel articles and book reviews, has most recently appeared in the trilingual newspaper Bizim Anadolu. I am a graduate of McGill University and reside in Montreal, Canada. Visit me at
I’ve had several careers over the years but my love of reading is one of the few constants in my life. I graduated, enlisted in Army, married, got out of Army, studied drafting, got divorced, went on with life and developed a twisted sense of humor. Books were the only constant in my life. They helped me escape from reality and was an inexpensive form of entertainment. I met and married a wonderful man who is also an avid reader. We share our home with two feline companions and several hundred books (not including ebooks).
I’m Annie and I’ve been reading for pleasure for over………well, let’s just say several decades. I’m from the same town as Joey Kelley but alas, have never had the pleasure of meeting her in public.